Statistics Parser

This site allows you to take the output of SQL Server STATISTICS IO then transforms and totals it into a more useful format. If you're looking to save the results of STATISTICS IO you may want to look at Vicky Harp's excellent Excel based STATISTICS IO parser. Excel is awesome. Excel is my boy. But sometimes I don't want to open up a sixth instance of Excel. That's where this site comes in. If you need to figure out what the heck STATISTICS IO or STATISTICS TIME is telling you quickly this site is here to help!

This site is entirely written in JavaScript and HTML. So your data stays where it your browser. Your data is never sent to a server. The site also uses the awesome Bootstrap CSS framework so a regular SQL hack like myself can create great looking sites. JQuery and the DataTables plug-in are also used to format the STATISTICS IO results. The source for this site is located on GitHub if you're so inclined to take a peek at it (view source is also an option...I'm just sayin').

I hope you find this site useful. If you have any questions or comments feel free to hit me up over on my blog or twitter. Enjoy.



Special Thanks